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Tag Archives: Greenville birth photographer

Families | Introducing Baby Charlotte

After Charlotte was born, Kendall and William wanted their son Carter to meet Charlotte before the rest of the family did.  So, William went to get him and I remember his excitement as he came in the room and started asking about “baby Cha-watte!”  It was the sweetest and he couldn’t get enough of her! […]

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Charlotte Elizabeth | Greenville Birth Photographer | Greenville Memorial Hospital

Two and a half years ago, I spent several hours at the hospital with Kendall & William and  their sweet family as we all waited on their son, Carter, to be born.  I’d helped a friend photograph their wedding two weeks before Ben and I got married so it was fun to see everyone again and spend […]

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Harper Rose | Greenville Birth Photographer | Greenville Memorial Hospital

“For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him. Therefore I also have lent him to the Lord; as long as he lives he shall be lent to the Lord.” So they worshiped the Lord there. I Samuel 1:27-28 Every birth is different.  Every mom is different.  […]

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Hudson MacGregor | Greenville, SC Birth Photographer | St. Francis Eastside

This has been a year of boys for sure.  Most of Catherine’s little friends (well, my friends that have babies around Catherine’s age) are boys.  And the 4 new babies I’ve had the joy of photographing this year have all been boys too! But regardless of their gender, tiny babies are probably the sweetest things […]

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Corey Jr. | Greenville, SC Birth Photographer

You can have everything planned to a T, everyone on call and every piece of the puzzle in place yet when your plans involve waiting on a baby, most if not all of those plans can be tossed out the window in a matter of minutes! Tymeisha texted me the morning of August 6 to […]

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