Sabrina Fields Photography » Photographer of New Beginnings

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Monday Musings | It’s Fall!

You may have noticed that I haven’t blogged in over a week.  I enjoy blogging so much!  But between this off season for me, rounding the corner into my second trimester, and wrapping up my bridal guide, and chasing a toddler around, it was a needed break :-)

So what else have we been up to?  I posted on Instagram that we went apple picking and if you saw some of my Instagram stories, we took a trip up to Virginia with my mom to see my grandma (Catherine’s great-grandma) and some aunts, uncles and cousins.  It’s been nice having this little break from weddings and work to just experience fall with my baby girl!  And I know, she’s a toddler now, but we’re still calling her “the little baby”.  We can’t seem to help it!

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She was the cutest little thing carrying the (empty) basket!

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She was not paying attention to me while she was under the “How Tall this Fall” sign because she was too entranced by the other kids walking by.


We just got home yesterday from Virginia where my mom’s side of the family lives.  And I guess Catherine thought she needed to earn her keep by sweeping :-)

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She loves drawing on things… so I decided a colored pencil and a pad of paper was the safest option.


Between watching the Clemson game and being fascinated with Catherine’s smart phone abilities,
the family was fully entertained on Saturday!


And before we left, we had to get our photo of four generations :-)


But we wanted my aunt and cousin in one too!


melissa - September 13, 2016 - 11:22 am

You will treasure the photos of four generations – that is a gift!

Kennedy Jude | Anderson Birth Photographer | AnMed Health

The week leading up to her due date, I was checking in with Patricia fairly often to see how she was feeling and to see if Kennedy was showing any signs of wanting to join us on the outside.  But, she was snuggly staying put!  So, Thursday evening, Patricia and her husband, Dustin, checked into the hospital to be induced.  All of us expected that Kennedy would make her arrival sometime Friday afternoon or evening, because let’s face it, most inductions are fairly slow going.

But again, sweet Miss Kennedy had other plans!  At 2:09am, Dustin called me to say that Patricia was moving along fairly quickly… much faster than anyone had anticipated!  Thankfully I’d taken the chance that this might happen and had showered before going to bed and had set clothes out just in case.  So I was out the door in no time and walking into the hospital at 3:00am!

Sweet Kennedy Jude made her official debut at 4:22am.  I was just thankful that I made it there in plenty of time and was able to capture such incredibly sweet moments of her with her parents and then meeting both grandmothers!  Congrats again to your family, Patricia and Dustin!  And thank you for allowing me to be a part of this day with you!

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This may be one of my favorite laboring photos… her holding onto him and his hand reassuringly on her back.

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That smile on her face says it all!

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Oh my heavens… you guys.  I love everything about this!

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Oh how I love those squishy little newborns!


Patricia’s dad passed away a few years ago and so she and her siblings rotate who has his Clemson ring.  If something big is happening, like a graduation, wedding or birth, then that sibling gets the ring for a bit.  She wasn’t sure what kind of photos she wanted, but she knew that she wanted hers and Dustin’s rings along with her dad’s ring to be in a photo with Kennedy.  So, Dustin held her tiny little feet and we captured this.

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I left the one on the right in color so you could see how adorable their little Thank You bags were!

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To see more birth stories, click here.
For more information about me capturing your own baby’s birth, click here.

My Big Project


Before Catherine was born, I had several things that I wanted to accomplish because I knew life was about to drastically change and the time I had to work on my business – not just editing photos – was going to dwindle.  The biggest project on that list was creating my bridal guide.  A magazine that I would send to my new brides to not only help them with planning their own wedding, but to also give them something tangible with printed photos of my work!  However, I just couldn’t get it done.

But, a new bridal guide template is on my desktop (thanks to Katelyn James and her amazing design skills) and you guys… I’m SEVEN spreads away from completing it and sending it off to the printer!  I almost want to lose a little sleep over this just to finish it, but I also want it to be RIGHT.  This is going to be such a help to my brides and I want them to hold it and read it and share it with their moms, their bridesmaids and even their grooms… and then I hope they read it all again as their wedding day gets closer.

I don’t say any of this to brag on myself AT ALL.  But after photographing over 75 weddings in the last 7 years, I’ve run into all kinds of situations and seen all sorts of ideas.  And since many of my brides have never planned a wedding before, I want to be a resource to them in more ways than one.  I let them know from the beginning that I’m only an email, phone call or text away with any kind of question as we get closer to their big day.  I even have a specific link on my blog just for Brides & Grooms!  But this bridal guide will be something they can have on hand at all times and will answer so many of their questions before they even know to ask them!

For a sneak peek, head over to Instagram and check out my Instagram story I posted last night (@sabrina_fields)!

My new goal, since I horribly failed at the last one for my bridal guide, is to have this off to the printer by the middle of September.  Which only gives me a couple of weeks!  Hopefully, now that I’ve “put it out there” all of you can help hold me accountable!  Keep your ears open for joyful screaming though… that will be me when this guide is complete and on its way to the printer!

Fabulous Friday | My Loves

This morning, I got a call at 2:09am that one of my sweet birth moms was getting closer to delivering their first baby.  She was induced last night and none of us expected to even be at the hospital until later this afternoon, much less in the middle of the night.  But everything went so well and I can’t wait to share their sweet baby girl with you next week!

One thing this birth made me realize though is that in less than 6 months, we will be back at the hospital to meet our second baby girl… and I can’t wait!  Our experience this second time around will be completely different since it will be a scheduled c-section, but that doesn’t matter to be one bit.  We just want our sweet girl to arrive safely and to be healthy :-)

The second thing it made me realize is that I have two more births that I’m scheduled to photograph before we meet our little girl and I’m only going to get bigger and bigger as those approach!  So, I went today with that in mind and tried to shoot things a little differently than I usually do. But I’m so happy with the images!  It gave me confidence that I’ll be just fine at these upcoming births.

The third thing this birth reminded me of was that we have just 6 months left with Catherine as an only child… #allthetears.  She’s already growing up so fast and we LOVE this stage she’s in and I can’t wait to see her as a big sister.  But of course, I’m already worrying about having two in the house and my attention being divided and what all of that will look like.

Thankfully though, God has it all under control (because let’s face it, I never have and never will have it “under control”!) and He’s known since the beginning that we would have a family and I would be running a business as a work-at-home-mom.  So all I can do is continue to trust.  And sometimes that’s easier said than done :-)

Happy Friday, everyone!  I’m going to bed since I’ve been up since 2am, but I’ll leave you with two of my three loves snuggling the other night as Ben got her ready for bed. #allthefeels


Kristin + Cameron | A Lake Jocassee Engagement Session

They actually met at work… he was attempting to get into a room with a keypad entry and she gave him the code.  When it worked and he looked up to thank her, he flashed his biggest smile and she’s been smitten ever since.

I’ve actually known Kristin for a while but have gotten to know her over the last four years since we’ve been in the same community group at church!  So to be able to walk through this stage of her life with her and get to know Cameron better in the process, it’s just makes my job even sweeter than it usually is :-)

To say these two love the outdoors would be quite an understatement.  We’ve run into them several times over the last couple years as they’ve been dating and if they weren’t finishing a run or bike ride, then they were dressed for one and about to head out!  When he proposed, it was at the top of a mountain after they’d been hiking most of the morning.  She was completely taken by surprise, but it was absolutely perfect for them!

So when Kristin mentioned that they were thinking of going up to Lake Jocassee for their engagement photos and even taking their paddle boards, I was SO excited!  Not just because it’s a beautiful spot, but also because it’s SO them!

Thank you guys for inviting me along for your adventure these next several months!  I’m looking forward to your spring wedding!

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When Kristin first got Tilly, she brought her to community group and she was the SMALLEST and sleepiest little puppy I’ve ever seen.  And now, she almost comes up to my waist!  But she’s still just as sweet and she did so well for photos!

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Kristin’s ring is GORGEOUS!  Cameron, you outdid yourself with this one!

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You guys, I could NOT get over that view!  What a perfect location for photos!

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This one is definitely a favorite!

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