Sabrina Fields Photography » Photographer of New Beginnings

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The New Mrs. | Downtown Spartanburg | Mary Kathryn

This year has been the year of bridal sessions and I’m not going to lie… I’ve loved it!!  It’s another chance for me to get to see my wonderful brides but I also get to see them all dolled up before their wedding day!  Plus, it’s just fun to have over an hour of making her feel beautiful without the timeline that comes with a wedding day.

You’ll see for yourself in a moment, but Mary Kathryn was STUNNING!  She was such a classic bride and it felt like I was doing a shoot for Vogue.  Her composure and elegance made me feel like I was photographing royalty!  But her laughter and kindness reminded me just how wonderful she is.  Hers and Jamey’s wedding this past Saturday was amazing and I can’t wait to share it with you when they return from their Italian honeymoon!  For right now, I’m just thrilled to finally be able to share her bridals!  Seriously, it’s like torture to have to sit on these for months at a time :-)

We started at one of the old stone churches in downtown Spartanburg and really, it was perfection.

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I still love a wedding gown with pockets!

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She borrowed her aunt’s veil and it was the perfect touch to some of her photos!

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This one of her laughing is one of my favorites!


But then Mary Kathryn just looks so elegant in this classic black and white!

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Mary Kathryn graduated from Converse College so we headed over there before the sun set to finish up her session.


And really?  It didn’t even feel like we were on a college campus for some of these!  How gorgeous is this spot?!?

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And don’t get me started on this little garden.  It was the perfect way to end her session.  Girl, you are gorgeous!

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To see Mary Kathryn & Jamey’s engagement photos, click HERE.
To see more bridal portrait sessions, click HERE.
To see recent weddings, click HERE.

Paris Sessions, Anniversary Mini-Sessions and 2017 Weddings

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One of the most amazing things we had the chance to do while in Paris on our honeymoon was to have photos taken by Ashley and Chris Poisella of Ashley Therese Photography.  I took a ton of photos during our time there and plenty of selfies, but to have photos of us together when we aren’t holding the camera is priceless.  In fact, the one above is printed and in a 16×20 frame in our living room.  It’s one of my favorites!

Paris Sessions
So now it’s my turn to offer what Ashley gave us.  I still have ONE spot left for a session while we’re in Paris in November.  The dates available are November 2, 3, the morning of November 5 and the evening of November 6.  To see my original post about these sessions, click HERE.  And if you’d like to book my last available session, please email me at!

Anniversary Mini Sessions
It doesn’t have to be your anniversary to have photos take of you and your husband or wife.  But when was the last time you had photos of just the two of you without the kids??  Marriage is a big deal to me and I would love to help you savor your relationship and where you’ve come since your wedding day.  I only have THREE of these spots left for October 22 so click HERE to find out all the details and to book your spot!

2017 Weddings
As you may know, we’re expecting our second sweet baby girl in February!  I will still be photographing weddings, but am limiting the number so we can savor our time as a young family of 4 :-)  There is one date still available in June and several dates still open in the fall.  So if you’re recently engaged or know someone who is, I would love to chat with you or them to see if we would be a good fit!  To find out more about my wedding collections, feel free to visit my website and contact me through there!

I adore having couples in front of my camera.  And I can’t wait to meet some of you with my camera in hand soon!

Birth Stories and Fresh 48 Sessions

Birth photography was something I never had on my radar, but it’s an opportunity that came my way and I’ve been SO thankful for it!  Being in the delivery room or the operating room when a new baby comes into the world is simply this… it’s a chance for me to be a part of witnessing a miracle while capturing those memories in photos for a precious baby’s parents.

But, I also realize that a delivery room is a very vulnerable place and some women prefer to keep that time close to their hearts and not have photos of it.  And that is perfectly ok!  Birth photography isn’t for everyone.

So, for those sweet mamas who would still like photos of their brand new babes (and would like to guarantee that we get them during daylight hours!), I’m now offering Fresh 48 sessions!

So what are Fresh 48 Sessions?

  • It’s a time within the 48 hours of the baby’s birth and before you leave the hospital or birthing center.
  • Just like the birth stories, I would be on call two weeks before and two weeks after your due date.  You would then let me know when you’re in labor and headed to the hospital or birthing center.
  • Once the baby is born, as you’re notifying family and friends of your little one’s arrival, you would let me know too! Then, we’d set up a time for when you’d like me to come for your 1 hour photo session.
  • Even though you may want everyone there for photos (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.), this is a chance to get photos of you and your sweet new baby and your husband.  If grandparents are there when I arrive or potentially on their way, I’m more than happy to get a few photos of them too, but the majority of our time will be for the three of you (and older siblings too!)!

To book your own Birth Story or Fresh 48 Session, feel free to visit my website HERE and contact me!

Jillian and Derek were so wonderful to welcome me into their hospital room about 36 hours after their precious Isaac was born.  After photographing their wedding last year, I was so excited to congratulate them as new parents!  Derek was actually out when I got there (only because his wife insisted he go home to rest for a bit because he did NOT want to leave her side!!), but Jillian’s mom and one of her sisters were there and about to head out when I arrived.

It was such a joy to spend some time with Jillian and her new baby boy. Not to mention getting a chance to snuggle a new tiny baby!!  It only made me more excited for February and our baby girl’s arrival :-)

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To see more Birth Stories, click here.
For more information about me capturing your own baby’s birth or Fresh 48 Session, click here.

Baby #2 FAQs

Everyone has been so encouraging and excited with us about our second baby girl due in February, which has only increased our own anticipation and excitement!  If you missed the announcement and gender reveal, you can check it out HERE.


Since making the announcement several people have asked the same questions so I thought I’d answer them here!  We took my first baby bump picture yesterday so I thought this would be the perfect chance to share this first photo :-)  And I know it doesn’t look like it here, but she honestly seemed to have popped out of nowhere this past week and a half!

Do you have a name picked out?  Almost… we have a middle name but haven’t landed on her first name yet.  But we’re THIS close to figuring it out! It seemed like picking out Catherine’s name happened within a day, but this second one… it’s tough!  Don’t worry though, we’ll share it when we are sure about it!

How have you been feeling?  With Catherine, I was nauseous most of the day until I was about 16ish weeks along.  It wasn’t horrible and thankfully I never got sick, but I had my fare share of crackers to keep the queasiness at bay.  With this one, it hasn’t been as consistent as it was with Catherine, but holy cow, when it hits, it hits!  I still haven’t gotten sick (thankfully!) but there have been a couple of times where I thought I was close.  I say this with a little trepidation because each time I think the queasiness is letting up, it comes back… so, I think I’m getting past it, but tomorrow may be horrible so we’ll see!

Will you keep doing crossfit? Absolutely!  I worked out during my entire pregnancy with Catherine (until the week before she was born) and even though I don’t have anything to compare it to, it kept me in shape and feeling the best I could as my stomach continued to grow!  The pregnancy does slow me down a little bit and sometimes it takes me longer to catch my breath than it normally would, but thankfully I’ve been through this once before and am already beginning to modify some things.  Don’t worry, I’ll be listening to my body even more than usual so I won’t be going for any PRs or anything over the next six months!

We’ve had lots of people ask if Catherine is excited… Well, she doesn’t really have a clue what’s going on or that her world is going to drastically change in six months, so the answer is, she doesn’t know :-)  The good news is that since they will be exactly two years apart, Catherine will never know what life was like without her sister!  And that actually makes my heart really happy!  We’re already praying that they will be such good friends, although we aren’t naive enough to think they won’t fight at all, so we’re prepared for that too!

Will you keep doing photography after the baby comes?  Most definitely!  I ended up shooting 13 weddings last year, 12 of those after Catherine was born, and I even shot a few births.  So I know it’s definitely doable.  I honestly love what I do and can’t imagine doing anything else right now.  I began outsourcing some things last year (mainly my editing for weddings!) and it helped SO much.  And since that system is already in place, it will be a cinch to keep it up next wedding season.  However, I’m only taking a limited number of weddings for next year and I’m already half-way booked!

Will you try for a third to get a boy?  Goodness, friends!  We haven’t delivered the second baby yet!  Give us a little time to figure out life with two babies first :-)

Are you excited that it’s a girl?  BEYOND excited!  I only have one brother so I don’t know from experience what having a sister is like.  But after watching so many friends and family members and even my sweet brides with their sisters, my heart is literally exploding with excitement that these girls will automatically have a best friend to grow up with.  Plus, Ben has been amazing as a papa to a little girl so I can’t wait to see him with two!  Ahh!  My heart is already melting!

2016 Fall Mini Sessions

Marriage is a big deal to Ben and me.  So much so that we both waited until our early 30s, until we found the person God had intended for us to spend our lives with, to get married.  It wasn’t the story either of us imagined, but we wouldn’t trade it for anything!

Our marriage isn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but the vows we said and the covenant we made before each other, our friends, our family and the Lord mean that we are in this together no matter what.  We had an incredible wedding day, one that we relive each time we look at our wedding photos!  But what amazes me is how much more in love we are now than we were on that day almost 5 years ago.

One of my favorite things we do each year is to have anniversary photos taken.  Sometimes it’s in the fall, close to our anniversary, or if the opportunity presents itself, we have them taken in the spring, like we did this year!  But no matter what, we make it a point to get photos each year of just the two of us.

And now, I want that for you!  Check out the details HERE and below and sign up quickly.  There are only FIVE spots available!

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The Details:

When & Where: April 23, 2017 you’ll be invited into my backyard (aka, my new favorite place to shoot!).
Time: You pick your time slot!  If you are morning people, I have an 8:00am slot available (the morning light is GORGEOUS you guys!), or you can wait until the soft glowy light of the evening.  But it’s first come, first served so don’t hesitate to book!
Cost: A $50 deposit is due after you book (I’ll send you a PayPal link) and the remaining balance is due at your session.
What’s Included: An online gallery with 15-20 edited high resolution images for you to share, download, and print.
How: Just CLICK HERE, follow the three steps, and I’ll get back to you with payment information!