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Category Archives: Births

Harper James | Greenville Birth Photographer | Greenville Memorial Hospital

Courtney is a photographer herself so when she found me through Instagram and we met up to chat about their baby girl, we realized we had so many other things in common!  She studied abroad in France, I lived in Belgium after college (both French speaking countries).  We both met our husbands on e-Harmony.  We […]

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Savannah Grace | Nashville Birth Photographer | StoneCrest Medical Center

We weren’t sure if Ben and I were going to be in the states or not when Arica went into labor.  But when she called to let me know they were going to induce her the Friday before we left for Paris, I was SO thankful and SO excited!! My mom has been such a […]

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Kennedy Jude | Anderson Birth Photographer | AnMed Health

The week leading up to her due date, I was checking in with Patricia fairly often to see how she was feeling and to see if Kennedy was showing any signs of wanting to join us on the outside.  But, she was snuggly staying put!  So, Thursday evening, Patricia and her husband, Dustin, checked into […]

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Asa Owen | Greenvile Birth Photographer | Greenvile Memorial Hospital

Just like the weddings I get to photograph, each birth is uniquely different and amazingly wonderful at the same time!  And the birth of sweet Asa was no different… except for one thing.  This was my first birth to photograph where the gender of the baby was a surprise!!  Y’all, I don’t know how parents […]

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