Sabrina Fields Photography » Photographer of New Beginnings

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Monthly Archives: February 2017

Introducing Isabella Grace

It’s funny (ironic probably) that the post from last Monday was the last birth I photographed before Isabella arrived.  Monday February 6 was Reece’s due date, but thankfully he decided to come a little bit early since our own baby decided to come THREE WEEKS before her own due date! I’ll share the full story […]

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Coleman Reese | Atlanta Birth Photographer | Northeast Georgia Medical Center

Amy called me around 4:30am on Saturday, January 28 to say her water had broken and they were heading to the hospital.  I was excited for them but had torn emotions because my last wedding before maternity leave was that day too!  Amy had known that from the beginning though and since they’ve been in […]

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Katie + Adam | A Mauldin UMC and The Loom Wedding

It seems like ages ago when Katie and I were walking to and from Starbucks in between services at church and talking about life.  She was in the season when many of her friends were getting married and while she wanted that too (so much!), she was mostly worried because she didn’t know HOW to […]

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