Sabrina Fields Photography » Photographer of New Beginnings

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Monthly Archives: April 2016

Fabulous Friday | Millstone at Adam’s Pond

I usually give my friends that live in Columbia, SC a hard time because in the middle of the city is that “other college” in the state (Clemson and the University of South Carolina are HUGE rivals) and it’s a LOT of concrete.  In my head, I know there are places outside the city that have […]

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Back40Life | A Handcrafted Giveaway

Several years ago (the actual number shall remain unmentioned), I met this girl named Jodi at Clemson.  She loved the Lord and knew a lot about Him and somehow, we connected and she took little ole me under her wing to teach me all she was learning about the Lord.  Because of her, I know all […]

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2016 Pursuit Conference | Winshape Retreat Center

Last fall when they announced there would be a Pursuit Conference in the spring of 2016, I tried to figure out how in the world I could get there and justify going to two conferences within 6 months of each other.  But I just couldn’t fully justify it.  So when one last email came from […]

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Mary-Catherine + Michael | The Bleckley Inn + St. John’s UMC Wedding

If you ever have the chance to meet Mary-Catherine (MC) or Michael, you will instantly have two new friends.  They are the type of people who don’t meet a stranger and they genuinely care about you, regardless of whether they’ve known you for years or only 5 minutes! And that quality of the two of […]

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Anniversary Session | Dan + Vickie

Dan and Vickie were the last two in their family who hadn’t been in front of my camera for their own session.  I’d photographed their oldest daughter’s family, their second daughter’s engagement photos, wedding, and births of both her children, and I’ve done senior photos for their younger two kids. So when I mentioned the […]

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