Sabrina Fields Photography » Photographer of New Beginnings

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Monthly Archives: December 2015

The New Mrs. | SC Governor’s Mansion Bridal Portraits | Sarah

It was a week or so after Columbia suffered its worst flood in 1,000 years.  And I was worried about taking Sarah out in her dress if things weren’t going to be as beautiful as she’d hoped for her bridal portraits.  But she assured me that 1) her family and their home was ok, 2) the […]

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Catherine’s First Christmas

It’s official… our Christmases will never be the same.  But since it involves this sweet little girl, we are completely ok with that. She didn’t understand everything that was going on, she hasn’t quite grasped the concept of unwrapping gifts, and she still wants to put everything from ornaments to gifts to wrapping paper in […]

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Behind the Scenes in 2015

These posts are starting to pop up from other photographers and I have to admit, it’s one of my favorite posts to see every year!  Not often do you get to see what’s going on behind the camera, much less how ridiculous we sometimes look when getting those amazing shots!  And there are some in […]

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