Sabrina Fields Photography » Photographer of New Beginnings

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Monthly Archives: March 2014

You’re Married! Now What?

Wedding season is here!!!  Our first wedding isn’t until mid-April, but I’m already giddy with excitement over our 2014 weddings as well as just getting back into the groove of what we do.  And I’m so excited!  So, I figured with this time of year and weddings starting up, that it was the perfect time […]

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Getting the Itch…

In 2008, I remember sitting at my desk at Upward Sports and just feeling like I needed to be going somewhere.  I worked in the international department and traveled fairly often.  So much so that after a couple of years, I had enough Skymiles to fly to France for my workshop with National Geographic in […]

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The New PASS

The guys at Showit and PASS continue to blow me away.  Not only have they spent the last couple of years coming up with and developing and improving PASS, what it looks like, and how it works, but they’re also working on ways to improve Showit and how our websites look, function and feel.  They’re […]

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Ashley + Clay | Auburn University | Sunset Engagement Session

Before she even walked into the college room at church her sophomore, she had heard of him.  So when she saw him for the first time, she boldly introduced herself and asked if he was “that Clay people kept talking about.”  As they started talking, she found out that he lived about an hour from […]

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