Sabrina Fields Photography » Photographer of New Beginnings

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Monthly Archives: November 2012


I can’t believe it’s already been a week since Thanksgiving!  Where in the world does the time go? This year more than ever, I’ve been made so much more aware of how short our time is here on earth and how important family is.  So, when mom told me a while back that ALL of […]

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Fabulous Friday | Clemson vs Carolina

Every year, it seems the entire football season gears up for this one game.  I know a lot of schools have rivalries, but it seems like this one has a lot more… emotion involved.  Fans of Clemson University and the University of South Carolina dearly love these schools… and their football teams.  So, while I’m […]

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A Life Celebrated

Last night, over 1,000 people gathered to celebrate a life.  Somehow, with a strength not their own, Darby’s parents courageously stood up and spoke in front of everyone.  Her mom began by saying that every parent is biased, and that they are no different!  And then she began to read words that others had used […]

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