Sabrina Fields Photography » Photographer of New Beginnings

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Monthly Archives: October 2012

Party of 7 | Greenville Family Photographer

It seems that when there’s more than 2 children in a household, there aren’t too many quiet moments.  So, when I went to visit little Brielle a week after her birth, I was able to see a house with 5 kids (plus 2 visiting!) in action.  And even though I was only there for about […]

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Birthday Week Giveaways | Day 4 | Out of Print Clothing

Can you believe it’s Day 4 already??  We’ve already given away so many awesome things, but even better, we’ve helped several people!  I really don’t know how it could get any better than that. I know y’all are anxious to hear who won yesterday’s giveaway from 31Bits and I really wish I could insert a […]

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Birthday Week Giveaways | Day 3 | 31Bits

Since announcing their weekly cause on Monday, Sevenly has raised over $10,000 (as of Tuesday morning) for Destiny Rescue… which equates to SIX undercover missions to rescue girls from sex trafficking in Thailand!  And how amazing is it that WE are able to be a part of that??  If you’d like to support this cause, […]

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