Sabrina Fields Photography » Photographer of New Beginnings

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Monthly Archives: August 2012

Thankful Thursday | Maid and Matron of Honor

There’s a lot that goes into planning a wedding.  Like… A LOT.  Way more than I ever realized.  And I’d heard it was important to choose your bridesmaids carefully because not only would they be standing with you and looking pretty on your wedding day, but they’d be the hands and feet of helping you […]

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Elisha + Cale | The Farm at Rabon Creek Engagement Session

Everyone has a story.  And when I asked Elisha hers, my heart swooned. They’ve known each other since they were young and as they entered high school, Elisha’s best buddy started to have a change in heart.  He saw her beauty not just on the outside, but on the inside, and wanted to be closer […]

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Travel Photography | Talking to Strangers

Most of us remember our parents telling us to not talk to strangers when we were younger.  And I still support that for younger children when they aren’t with their parents or another trusted adult.  However, AS adults, talking to strangers can be fascinating.  You never know who you’ll meet or what kind of friendship […]

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