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Monthly Archives: July 2012

Sneak Peak | Allie

Yay for Friday!  And yay for the Olympics starting tonight!!  I LOVE the Olympics… My excitement level is too much to even convey in just a few words.  Some of you know how nuts I am about Clemson football and well, that excitement spills over into other sports from time to time. But, when it’s […]

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I want to know YOU!

I’ve never been great with keeping a journal, but with a blog, there’s a bit of accountability that comes with it.  Several of you have told me that you really like reading it (which is so exciting and completely dumbfounding at the same time!) Plus, I just enjoy it :-)  I love showing off my […]

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Honeymoon | La Tour

It’s one of THE most famous buildings in the world.  And back in 1889 when it was built for the World Fair, Parisians hated it.  They thought it was ugly… it was a 1,000 ft grey iron structure that had zero purpose.  But, that was part of the point.  It was an engineering feat!  Plus, […]

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