Sabrina Fields Photography » Photographer of New Beginnings

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Monthly Archives: June 2012

Honeymoon | Louvre

It was exactly a week after we arrived in Paris that we ventured to the Louvre… not for the first time since we were staying only a few short blocks away… but it was the first time we were going inside.  The very first time I ever went to the Louvre was in 1996 when […]

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An Introduction and a Sneak Peek

Last weekend, if you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you may have seen that we passed through several different states… and then came straight back home.  The reason we drove so far was to pick up the newest addition to our family!  Internet, I’d like for you to meet Bella… We were looking for […]

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Kristen + Brad | Sunrise Engagement Session

I ran into Kristen at the mall just days before my wedding last fall when she told me the real reason she had RSVPed “no”… she was going to Atlanta… to meet a guy.  “Wait, what?  You’re ditching my wedding for a guy??”  Now, before you get all defensive about me giving her a hard […]

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